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知名黑客组职“匿名者” 公开 628 名香港警员个人资料

发表于:2024-04-27 作者:下载之友
编辑最后更新 2024年04月27日,{text-align:left}

香港警方于 6 月 26 日上载影片,指今晨发现有网站放出涉嫌从不法途径获得的警务人员个人资料,已交由网络安全及科技罪案调查科调查跟进。影片中指出若有人以不法手段获得个人资料或在未经资料使用者同意下披露任何个人资料,已经可能干犯刑事罪行,可以被判监禁。警方再次强烈谴责这类型行为,并会为每个个案跟进到底。

而片中显示的网站,是以知名黑客组职"匿名者"Anonymous 名义开设的网站,贴出 628 名警员中英文姓名、手提电话以及住址。更表示一直关注香港警队,认为他们使用的暴力已侵犯人权,而今次使用枪械和武器已违反《海牙公约》和《日内瓦公约》。今次出手是为了香港市民及人类,及他们的兴趣,扬言若香港警方继续犯罪,将会公开整个机构的资料。


Hello, Hong Kong Police. We are Anonymous.
Over the years, we have been watching you. Your suppression of dissent; your criminal of violence; your violation of human rights, all of these things have caught our eye.
Today, your use of firearms and biological weapons has clearly violated the "Hague Convention" and the "Geneva Convention".
Anonymous has therefore decided that your organization should be rectify.
For the good of HK citizen; for the good of mankind; and for our own enjoyment, we shall proceed to systematically make public a part of your personal information.
If you continue the criminal, finally, we will make known to public whole of your organization list.
You will not prevail forever against the angry masses of the body politic. Your choice of methods, and your hypocrisy have sounded its death knell.
You have nowhere to hide because we are everywhere.
Knowledge is free.
We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.

2022-05-10 02:37:06