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Kindle Paperwhite 4 快闪特价 兼送 3 个月 Kindle Unlimited

发表于:2024-05-06 作者:下载之友
编辑最后更新 2024年05月06日,ShareFacebook Twitter WhatsApp Telegram LINEAmazon Kinde 是全球最多人使用的电子阅读器,随着繁体中文 Kindle 书库正式启用,越来越多人买

Amazon Kinde 是全球最多人使用的电子阅读器,随着繁体中文 Kindle 书库正式启用,越来越多人买 Kindle。另外,Kindle 简转繁功能,让很多用户可以直接从中亚(Amazon 中国)购买便宜的电子书再转成繁体观看,也大大提升了 Kindle 吸引力。

Kindle Paperwhite 4

Kindle Paperwhite 4 是最受欢迎的 Kindle,性价比最高,是很多人首台 Kindle 入手目标!Kindle Paperwhite 4 的屏幕是 6 吋 300 ppi,使用全平屏幕设计,没有凹陷,有一块玻璃盖着原本凹陷的位置。现在它能够防水(防水溅),达 IPX8 级数,能在 2 米深的水待 60 分钟。机身比上一代更轻更薄,只有 8.18mm,重是比上代少 23g,只有 182g。

Kindle Paperwhite - Now Waterproof with 2x the Storage - Ad-Supported + Kindle Unlimited (with auto-renewal)
  • Now available in Black, Twilight Blue, Plum, or Sage
  • The thinnest, lightest Kindle Paperwhite yet-with a flush-front design and 300 ppi glare-free display that reads like real paper even in bright sunlight.
  • Now waterproof, so you're free to read and relax at the beach, by the pool, or in the bath.
  • Enjoy twice the storage with 8 GB. Or choose 32 GB to hold more magazines, comics, and audiobooks.
  • Now with Audible. Pair with Bluetooth headphones or speakers to listen to your story.
Kindle Paperwhite - Now Waterproof with more than 2x the Storage - Ad-Supported + Kindle Unlimited (with auto-renewal)
  • Now available in Black, Twilight Blue, Plum, or Sage
  • The thinnest, lightest Kindle Paperwhite yet-with a flush-front design and 300 ppi glare-free display that reads like real paper even in bright sunlight.
  • Now waterproof, so you're free to read and relax at the beach, by the pool, or in the bath.
  • Enjoy twice the storage with 8 GB. Or choose 32 GB to hold more magazines, comics, and audiobooks.
  • Now with Audible. Pair with Bluetooth headphones or speakers to listen to your story.

国际版:硬件跟美版相同,但没有广告,32GB 版更有 LTE 支援,售价略高一点,不过可直送!

Kindle Paperwhite - Now Waterproof with 2x the Storage - 8 GB (International Version)
  • The thinnest, lightest Kindle Paperwhite yet-with a flush-front design and 300 ppi glare-free display that reads like real paper even in bright sunlight.
  • Now waterproof, so you're free to read and relax at the beach, by the pool, or in the bath.
  • Enjoy twice the storage with 8 GB. Or choose 32 GB to hold more magazines, comics, and audiobooks.
  • Now with Audible (in countries where available). Pair with Bluetooth headphones or speakers to listen to your story.
  • A single battery charge lasts weeks, not hours.
Kindle Paperwhite - Now Waterproof with more than 2x the Storage - 32 GB, Free 4G LTE + Wi-Fi (International Version)
  • The thinnest, lightest Kindle Paperwhite yet-with a flush-front design and 300 ppi glare-free display that reads like real paper even in bright sunlight.
  • Now waterproof, so you're free to read and relax at the beach, by the pool, or in the bath.
  • Enjoy twice the storage with 8 GB. Or choose 32 GB to hold more magazines, comics, and audiobooks.
  • Now with Audible (in countries where available). Pair with Bluetooth headphones or speakers to listen to your story.
  • A single battery charge lasts weeks, not hours.


受疫情影响,Amazon 的海外送货服务可能较平日贵,但想省运费可透过美国运进行,一般约 7-10 天可送到。

  • 香港用户集运优惠
  • 香港/台湾美国集运教学

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2022-05-10 05:04:14