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会说话的 Carl 和 Gugl – Talking Carl & Gugl [iOS]

发表于:2024-05-02 作者:创始人
编辑最后更新 2024年05月02日,感谢: King 投稿来源: Apple App Store类似TOM猫的软件,Carl 和他的兄弟会用一种很搞笑的声音重复你的声音,你挠它它会痒痒会笑,你捅它它会疼会嚷嚷,你不理他,它会闷闷不乐自言

感谢: King 投稿
来源: Apple App Store

类似TOM猫的软件,Carl 和他的兄弟会用一种很搞笑的声音重复你的声音,你挠它它会痒痒会笑,你捅它它会疼会嚷嚷,你不理他,它会闷闷不乐自言自语,你关闭程序它还会给你拜拜~ 超可爱的。如今兄弟俩凑到了一起,又会有什么样的新乐趣呢,赶紧来试试看吧!


Welcome Carl & Gugl in the same App, for iPad and iPhone!
Annoy them both for double the fun and enjoy the singing mode.

Tap on them and Carl or Gugl repeat anything you say with an hilarious voice, they can also be poked, tickled, swiped and annoyed in many ways to make them yield or laugh out loud.

Talk to one and he'll repeat your words with an hysterical voice.
Tap the other one and he repeats too!
Tickle him and he will laugh out loud.
Poke his eyes and he will shout and yell.
Pinch him to hear him growling.
Swipe up and he will fly… and fall
swipe down and he makes an acrobatic jump
swipe left or right and he'll make a round-turn.
And if you forget him he will grumble, sneeze or hiccup.

Talking Carl & Gugl is double hours of laugh for children of any age.
Parents, you'll love him too for the peacefulness it gives you while your kids are
playing with him.
But don't try it! you'll never give it back to them.



2022-05-09 03:34:09